Who are we?

The Order an Angelot accreditation protocol aims to fight sexual violence in bars and festive events. This protocol aims to prevent dangerous situations and to protect those in need. The Social Collective, a non-profit organization who mission is to develop and support community and social initiatives addressing the needs of student communities in post-secondary institutions, is behind the project.

Why “Angelot”?

We have chosen the name Angelot, “little angel,” a term here used as resonance to the protection it brings to the person in need, when it order this fictitious cocktail. It can be understood in both English and French. Order an Angelot, inspired by campaigns already in place around the world, like Angel Shots in the United States and Ask for Angela in the United Kingdom, provide a complete training to accredited bars.

How does it work?

Participating bars will hang up a clearly visible informative poster in the bathrooms as well as a sticker on their door. Thus, if you feel unsafe or are worried about the safety of someone else, you can go to the bar and notify a staff member of your situation by ordering an Angelot. No questions about the situation will be asked and no justification will be required.

The staff members are then responsible for applying the protocol. The protocol includes information on support resources for those seeking help.


Our objectives

To ensure adequate protection of those who feel unsafe; To prevent sexual violence in bars frequented by the student community.

These objectives will be met through the following approaches: The protective approach: the application of an easy-to-follow protocol; The preventive approach: the receipt of a prevention kit to educate staff and raise awareness of sexual violence.

Who is participating?

Please find on the chart below the participating bars:


Establishments trained on the best practices

All participating bar staff members will follow training on the Order an Angelot protocol and on addressing sexual violence, in order to be accredited*.

*In order to use the materials, establishment members are required to have received training from the initiative’s partners. Any modification to the predetermined agreement or the proper use of the Order an Angelot branding is not allowed.